Bert Pigeon Game

Andy Beattie

Bert Pigeon Trouble

At the age of eighteen Bert was called upon to do his mandatory two years of National service. During this time Bert met and married his wife Rita. Upon completion of serving his country it was back home to Layton , Caledonian road to be exact and it was here that the first racing loft was established the first birds obtained were the very best of the Vandevelde lines from his boyhood mentor Norman Moore , it may be of interest for readers to note that Theo Vandevelde from Oudenburg. Was one of the great fanciers who’s influence during the early days of our great hobby is not to be understated as many of the grand masters of the pigeon game from Dr Bricoux, to the legendry Charles Vanderespt owe their fame! I mention this as I think it illustrates perfectly the point, even in his youth Bert Hession had an eye for quality pigeons! Birds were also sourced from another of Blackpool’s leading lights in the sport Herbert Crabtree, added to these came birds from the lofts of Bob McDonald of Fraserburgh and Bill Heatly from Nottingham. With such a potent mix of winning genes it was no time at all before the name of Bert Hession adorned the top of the result sheet and subsequently his name was always to be found in the headlines of the fancy press a trend that would continue for decades to come. Some of the outstanding results in what I shall call “the pre Van Reet era” include a 1st prize in the barker Bleasdale dale race a 1st northwest combine and two meritorious awards at regional level , that was only the beginning